Dental Blog

Why Dental Health Is Important

Maintaining good dental health is crucial for overall health and well-being. Poor dental hygiene can lead to a wide array of dental problems and even negatively impact other areas of the body. By practicing good dental habits, you can avoid common dental problems and keep your smile healthy and bright. 

Learn more about dental health and how to maintain yours by dialing (865) 687-8670 and scheduling a consultation with Dr. Niral Patel at Fountain City Smiles. 

Proper Oral Hygiene Tips From Dr. Niral Patel

Brushing and Flossing Techniques

Proper brushing and flossing are essential for good dental health. Brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time, using fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush. Be sure to brush all surfaces of your teeth, including the fronts, backs, and tops. Don’t forget to brush your tongue, as it can harbor bacteria and cause bad breath.

Flossing helps remove plaque and food particles from between your teeth, where your toothbrush can’t reach. To floss correctly, use a piece of floss about 18 inches long. Wrap the floss around your fingers and gently slide it between your teeth. Curve the floss around each tooth and move it up and down to remove any debris.

Eating Habits and Dental Health

What you eat can have a serious impact on your dental health. Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables can help promote healthy teeth and gums. Foods high in sugar and starch can promote the growth of bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease. Be sure to drink plenty of water to keep your mouth hydrated and rinse away any food particles.

Regular Dental Checkups and Cleanings 

Regular dental checkups and professional cleanings are essential for maintaining good dental health. During a dental checkup, your Knoxville dentist will examine your teeth and gums for any signs of decay or disease. They may also take X-rays to check for any hidden problems and get a more in-depth idea of the state of your oral health.

Dental cleanings involve removing any built-up plaque and tartar from your teeth, which can help prevent cavities and gum disease. Your Knoxville dentist or dental hygienist will use special tools to clean your teeth, paying special attention to areas where a toothbrush and floss normally can’t reach. They may also provide tips for improving your dental hygiene at home.

Common Dental Problems and How to Avoid Them

Cavities and Tooth Decay 

Cavities are one of the most common dental problems caused by plaque buildup on teeth. Visible pits or holes in the teeth, dark spots, or stains on the teeth can all be signs of cavities. Those with tooth decay may also experience tooth sensitivity or pain when eating or drinking hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks.

To avoid cavities, make sure to: 

  • Brush and floss regularly to remove plaque and prevent bacteria from building up
  • Limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks 
  • Use fluoride toothpaste
  • Receiving regular dental checkups and professional cleanings

Tooth decay occurs when the enamel on teeth wears away, leaving them vulnerable to bacteria and decay. Some of the common signs and symptoms of tooth decay include tooth sensitivity or pain when eating or drinking hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks. You may also notice visible pits or holes in the teeth. Another sign can be bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth.

To avoid tooth decay, it’s important to: 

  • Brush and floss regularly
  • Limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks
  • Use fluoride toothpaste
  • Receive regular dental checkups and cleanings

Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is caused by untreated plaque buildup that can lead to inflammation, bleeding gums, and tooth loss. Some of the signs and symptoms of gum disease can range from swollen, red, or tender gums to bleeding when brushing or flossing. You may also notice receding gums or teeth that appear longer.

To avoid gum disease, you should: 

  • Brush and floss regularly
  • Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings with your dentist
  • Avoid tobacco products
  • Maintain a healthy diet

Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a common problem that can cause discomfort when eating or drinking hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks. One of the most common symptoms include pain or discomfort when brushing or flossing. You may also experience aching or throbbing pain in the teeth.

To avoid tooth sensitivity, you can: 

  • Practice good dental hygiene
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Limit acidic foods and drinks
  • Use fluoride toothpaste
  • Avoiding teeth grinding

Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be caused by a buildup of bacteria in the mouth, poor dental hygiene, or certain foods and drinks. Persistent bad breath that doesn’t go away after brushing, flossing, or using mouthwash is one of the signs of bad breath. Those with chronic bad breath may notice a persistent bad taste in their mouths, dry mouth, or thick saliva.

To avoid bad breath, it’s important to: 

  • Practice good dental hygiene and brush and floss regularly 
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Avoid foods and drinks that can cause bad breath, such as garlic and coffee

Take Care of Your Oral Health

Taking care of your teeth and gums is essential for maintaining good oral health and overall well-being. If you’re experiencing any dental problems or haven’t had a checkup in a while, schedule an appointment with our Knoxville dentist today by dialing (865) 687-8670

By following the tips and advice recommended by your Knoxville dentist, you can prevent common dental problems and keep your smile healthy and beautiful for years to come. Fountain City Smiles serves patients from Knoxville and surrounding areas.

Your Gateway to Healthy Teeth and Gums 

At Fountain City Smiles, your oral health is our top priority for a happier, healthier you. Led by Dr. Niral Patel in Knoxville, TN, our dedicated team is committed to ensuring your teeth and gums are in optimal condition during your regular dental cleaning visits. Whether it’s enabling clear speech or enjoying your favorite foods, maintaining healthy oral hygiene is essential. 

At Fountain City Smiles, we understand oral health isn’t static; it evolves in response to various internal and external factors. One significant external factor is your diet. The foods and beverages you consume play a crucial role in impacting your oral health positively or negatively. Ready to prioritize your smile? Call us at (865) 888-9674 to schedule your appointment today.

Unhealthy Foods Damage Teeth

Certain unhealthy foods provide a feast for the harmful plaque bacteria in our mouths. When you consume lots of sugary or starchy foods, the bacteria produce acids that attack tooth enamel and cause decay. Sticky foods like candy, dried fruit, or peanut butter cling to teeth, giving bacteria plenty of time to break down enamel. Acidic drinks like soda or fruit juice also directly wear down tooth enamel once you drink them. 

Unhealthy snacks loaded with sugar and acid weaken and damage teeth over time by promoting bacteria growth and acid production. Cavities and painful tooth decay are the inevitable result if plaque is left to feast on your teeth.

Healthy Foods Protect Teeth

While unhealthy options can ruin teeth, healthy foods strengthen and protect them. For example, crisp fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, or celery act like tiny scrub brushes. They help clean plaque off teeth and freshen your breath. Cheese and dairy products provide teeth-strengthening calcium and vitamin D. 

Leafy greens, yogurt, and other choices supply calcium without an acidic impact. Certain vitamins and nutrients found in colorful fruits and veggies, like vitamin C and antioxidants, help prevent unhealthy gum inflammation and disease. Not only are these whole foods great for health, but they actively contribute to better oral health as well.

Tips for Improving Your Diet

Improving your oral health through diet is mostly about making smart swaps and selections. 

  • Limit treats like candy or cookies to occasional indulgences. 
  • Minimize consumption of sugary beverages like soda and juice and instead choose unsweetened options like water or unsweetened tea most of the time. 
  • Reach for fresh, crunchy produce and dairy products high in calcium. 
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water each day. 
  • Don’t neglect that commute-sized bag of candy sitting on your desk during the workday – pick healthier alternatives like nuts, carrot sticks, popcorn, or apple slices to curb sweet cravings.

Paying attention to your diet can make a huge difference in the health of your mouth, gums, and teeth. While occasional treats are perfectly fine, be mindful of your daily dietary decisions. Limit sugar and acid and load up on tooth-strengthening whole foods instead. Taking small steps to improve your diet will positively impact your oral health for life. Still have questions? Don’t hesitate to ask our Knoxville dentist for tailored nutritional advice at your next dental check-up.

Don’t Skip Your Dental Visits at Fountain City Smiles! 

While being mindful of your diet is important for oral health, it’s not a substitute for professional dental care. You should still plan to visit your Knoxville dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups — usually once or twice per year. During these visits, your dentist in Knoxville will do a thorough cleaning to remove any built-up plaque, examine your teeth and gums for signs of concern, and address any issues early on before they become problematic. 

Regular dental visits paired with great at-home care between appointments, including sticking to a mouth-friendly nutritious diet, are the key to maintaining your oral health. Don’t skip or delay your next dental cleaning! Even those with excellent at-home care can benefit from a thorough professional cleaning and assessment. Dr. Patel wants to see you succeed and will be happy to reinforce positive dietary changes that protect your smile.

Don’t Wait for a Healthy Smile – Call Us Now to Get Started!

Ready to prioritize your oral health and achieve a dazzling smile? Contact us today at Fountain City Smiles, Knoxville, TN, led by Dr. Niral Patel. Dial (865) 888-9674 to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you!

When Dental Emergencies Strike, We Can Help 

Are you experiencing a dental emergency from a toothache or injury that’s growing more painful each day? There’s no need to fear or delay — our Knoxville, TN, emergency dentist, Dr. Niral Patel, is here for your urgent dental needs!

Fountain City Smiles has a team of dedicated emergency dentists ready to diagnose and treat all urgent dental issues night and day. We believe everyone in the Knoxville area should have rapid access to compassionate emergency dental care when faced with trauma to the mouth, worsening wisdom tooth pain, lost restorations, or any situation compromising your oral health and ability to function. Call our Knoxville, TN, dental office at (865) 888-9674 if you have a dental emergency.

Jen’s Toothache Story

Jen had had a dull ache in her bottom left molar for over a week. She kept putting off making a dental appointment, popping ibuprofen, and applying ice packs to get through the pain. But one night, Jen felt her jaw swelling rapidly. By morning, she noticed the left side of her face was massively swollen. She could barely open her mouth or swallow. 

Jen finally went to the emergency room, where she was diagnosed with a dental abscess. Intravenous antibiotics were started, but Jen still required multiple dental surgeries and extraction of several left molars in the subsequent days. If only Jen had sought emergency dental care when she first noticed the tooth pain, she could have avoided hospitalization and permanent tooth loss.

Importance of Seeking Immediate Care

As Jen’s story illustrates, ignoring a toothache instead of seeking prompt care can allow minor dental issues to escalate into dangerous infections and dental emergencies. Prolonged tooth pain is the body’s warning sign that bacteria invade tooth structures and jaw bones. Left unchecked, these infections can have severe and even life-threatening consequences. 

Additionally, damaged teeth will continue to decay and crack without treatment, eventually requiring extraction. Our emergency dental services in Knoxville, TN, provide immediate care nights, weekends, and holidays for painful, swollen, or worrying dental symptoms. We can stop infections, relieve pain, prescribe antibiotics, and extract damaged teeth as needed on an emergency basis.

Dental Infections Can Quickly Become Dangerous

Bacteria gaining access to the tooth’s inner pulp chamber through dental caries or cracks will trigger inflammation and aggregation of pus, forming an abscess. Abscesses at the tooth root tip can lead to swelling, expansion of the infection into the surrounding jawbone (osteomyelitis), sinus involvement, and cellulitis spreading down through the fascial planes of the neck. 

Difficulty breathing and swallowing can occur in cases of Ludwig’s angina with tongue elevation and airway compression. Dental infections releasing bacteria into the bloodstream may even develop into systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Though rare, this is a potentially life-threatening whole-body reaction.

Additional Tooth Damage Often Results

Meanwhile, as infections develop, the structural integrity of affected teeth continues to erode. Minor tooth cracks advance, eventually causing crown and root fractures. Pressure from expanding abscesses may also damage surrounding tooth roots or bone. With prolonged progression, tooth loss is inevitable without treatment. 

In attempts to manage intense pain before seeking professional dental care, people often inadvertently harm other teeth as well. Applying heat or ice directly to the toothache can damage the periodontium. Refraining from chewing leads to plaque accumulation and increased decay risk for unaffected teeth. Excessive ibuprofen or acetaminophen use irritates the gastric lining.

Signs Emergency Dental Care is Needed Immediately

Any of these suggest a spreading dental infection and demands prompt emergency dental care.

  • Unmanaged, worsening pain and facial swelling
  • Bleeding from the gums around a painful tooth, even without an inciting injury
  • Bad tastes or smells coming from a particular tooth or gums
  • Visible cracks in a tooth, shifting/loosening of teeth
  • Unexplained fevers, chills, nausea, or general malaise
  • Soft tissue ulceration and difficulty swallowing

Our Emergency Dental Services at Knoxville, TN

At Foutain City Smiles, Dr. Patel and the dental team provide prompt emergency dental care seven days a week. Request the first available emergency appointment time slot, even if it means taking time off work or other obligations. We also offer extended hours, and emergency walk-ins are always welcome.

Our experienced emergency dentists can prescribe antibiotics, drain abscesses, provide professional cleaning if indicated, and extract non-restorable infected teeth as needed for immediate pain relief. 

Post-extraction care instructions are provided, and patients are referred to partner dentistry practices for any follow-up restoration after the acute infection has resolved. We offer clear pricing, and financing options, and accept most major insurance plans.

Frequently Asked Questions

Urgent Dental Care When You Need It Most 

Don’t make Jen’s painful mistake — at the first sign of worrying dental symptoms, contact our  Knoxville, TN, emergency dental clinic at (865) 888-9674. We have the expertise and availability to treat developing dental infections early, avoiding delayed care and necessitating more invasive treatment. 

You can also fill out our convenient contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve patients in Marble City, Old City, and West Knoxville, TN. We can save your smile and your overall health!

Fountain City Smiles

2944 Tazewell Pike
Suite #2
Knoxville, TN 37918

Office Hours
